Paleontolojistratigrafi Regulation
The working procedures and principles of the Paleontology Working Group, which was established in Alanya on October 29, 2000, at the 1st Stratigraphy-Paleontology Workshop jointly organized by the Ankara University Department of Geological Engineering and the Chamber of TMMOB Geological Engineers, with the aim of encouraging paleontology-stratigraphy studies in Turkey, increasing communication and cooperation among national and international colleagues, developing paleontology-stratigraphy education and practices, determining professional problems and researching solutions, and sharing new technical and scientific developments, were determined by these principles.
Scope and Basis:
The working group is an independent group established for purely scientific purposes. The working group is supported by JMO, universities, relevant institutions and organizations.
The Paleontology Working Group has two bodies:
1. General Assembly
2. PWG Board of Directors
Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of Bodies:
General Assembly
1. Paleontology Working Group membership is open to anyone who works on paleontology-stratigraphy, is interested in this subject and accepts these principles. For membership, a petition must be submitted to the Board of Directors. There are three types of membership:
a) Personal membership: Individuals working on paleontology-stratigraphy may become members by decision of the Board of Directors.
b) Active membership: Members who serve on the Board of Directors and research groups of the Group shall be “active members” as long as they continue their duties. The active membership status of a member of the Board of Directors or a research group shall be terminated if they fail to attend the relevant work meetings three times in a row without an excuse.
c) Honorary membership: Individuals who do not meet the other membership requirements of the Committee but have made significant contributions in line with the objectives of the Paleontology Working Group may be elected as honorary members by decision of the Board of Directors and approval of the General Assembly.
2. The General Assembly meets every autumn upon the call of the Board of Directors, elects the Board of Directors and its president, assigns duties to the Board of Directors and supervises them.
3. A majority is not required in the General Assembly meetings. The principle of majority vote of the current members is applied in making elections and making decisions in the General Assembly. Each member has one vote.
Board of Directors:
1. The Board of Directors consists of a total of 5 members, preferably 2 from universities and 1 from MTA, TPAO and JMO. The Board of Directors Chair and members, together with their substitutes, are determined by voting from among the members of the Paleontology Working Group in the General Assembly.
2. The Board of Directors elects a vice-chairman and a secretary from among themselves. The chairperson represents the Board of Directors. He/she calls the Board of Directors to a meeting and presides over the meeting. He/she ensures that the General Assembly convenes when the time comes. The vice-chairperson assumes the presidency in the absence of the chairperson.
3. The Board of Directors meets at least once every three months upon the call of the chairperson and more frequently if necessary. A simple majority is required for the meeting. Decisions are made based on the majority present.
4. The main duties of the Board of Directors are as follows:
a) To encourage Paleontology-Stratigraphy studies, to facilitate communication and cooperation among researchers and to convene a Stratigraphy-Paleontology Workshop every year for this purpose.
b) To decide on applications and problems related to membership.
c) To call the General Assembly to a meeting and prepare the agenda of this meeting.
d) To encourage and support members to form research groups and conduct joint studies; to monitor the results.
e) To announce the activities of the research groups domestically and abroad.
f) To ensure the contributions and cooperation of members in order to inventory the literature and samples in the libraries and museums of various universities and institutions on Paleontology, to identify deficiencies and to eliminate these deficiencies.
g) To carry out activities in all institutions and organizations in Turkey where projects related to paleontology are carried out, in order to increase the quantity and quality of these projects, and to establish cooperation between those interested in this profession and other branches of science that are close to this branch.
h) To contribute to the development and improvement of paleontology-stratigraphy education in universities.
i) To encourage and support the publication of articles, atlases, books, textbooks, etc. on paleontology-stratigraphy, and the organization of courses, etc. events.
j) To monitor international studies on paleontology-stratigraphy, and to inform its members about developments.
k) To give service, appreciation and incentive awards.
Paleontology and Stratigraphy Workshop
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